Ensley Elementary School

Dedicated To Excellence

  • Early release days 2024-2025

    The last day of the 2024-2025 School Year, Friday, May 23, 2025 is an early release day for students. 


    On all early release dates schools will serve lunch and regular transportation will be provided. 


    Ensley car riders will be dismissed at 11:15 and buses will leave campus at 11:35 so please prepare accordingly.


    The early release days for the 2024-2025 school year for students are September 18, 2024, November 6, 2024, December 20, 2024, February 5, 2025 and May 23, 2025.

    On all early release dates, schools will serve lunch and regular transportation will be provided.  For more information or questions about your school’s specific release time, please contact the school.


    The full 2024-2025 ECPS calendar can be found here.

    Federal Impact Aid Survey information

    Office Hours: 6:50 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.


    School Start Time: 7:10 A.M.


    Drop off/Breakfast Time: 6:50 A.M. - 7:05 A.M.


    Tardy Bell rings at 7:10 A.M.


    1:00 P.M. is the latest time students may be checked out in order for us to safely prepare for dismissal.


    Dismissal Time: 1:25 P.M.


    Buses leave campus: 1:30 P.M.




  • The elementary school supply list for the 2024-2025 school year has been released. Click this link to view the list.

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  • ECPS Publishes School Financial Reports 


    Pensacola, FL – In accordance with Florida State Statute, the Escambia County Public Schools has made its School Financial Reports available to the public.

    Section 1010.215(5), F.S. requires school districts to report certain financial information in the form of a school financial report.  


    The information presented was obtained from the 2022-2023 cost report, full-time equivalent student (FTE) reports, and school district expenditure data. The report is presented in three sections.  


    1. In the Revenues section, revenue is shown by school, district, and state.  The school revenue is based on the total operating costs calculated for each school.


    1. In the Expenditures section, K-12 operating costs are shown on a per FTE basis by school, district and state.  The total cost for each school is also shown.  Operating costs are general operations, food service and special revenue. Note: District level costs, transportation costs, and major capital outlay costs are not included in this section.


    1. In the Additional Detailed Information section, a breakdown of specific costs is provided: 


    1. In the Teacher/Teacher Aides (Salaries and Benefits) section, the Teacher/Teacher Aide line from the Operating Costs section is presented in additional detail showing the per FTE expenditures by school, district and state as well as the total for the school by program group–Basic, ESOL, Exceptional, and Career Education.


    1. In the Library Media Materials section, the amount of Library Media Materials is shown per FTE for the school and district as well as the total cost for the school.


    1. In the Materials, Supplies, Operating Capital Outlay section, the Materials/Supplies/Operating Capital Outlay line from the Operating Costs section is presented in additional detail showing the per FTE expenditures by school and district as well as the total for the school by major object category–Textbooks, Computer Hardware and Software, Other Instructional Materials, And Other Materials and Supplies. 


    A footnote showing District level costs and transportation costs has been included. These costs are presented in total and per full-time equivalent student


    For information on your specific School’s Financial Report, please click here.

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  • Ensley is a uniform school. Please make sure your child's clothing meets our uniform requirements.

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rv0AnhahgZTrv5o_sQL4uzzqvc-XzE20z7B_l-t3BdE/edit?usp=sharingEnsley Uniform Policy

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  • Watch our Ben Carson Reading Room Grand Opening ceremony

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Our Partners in Education

  • Military Families Resource Page

    Military Families Resource Page

Volunteers and Mentors Needed

  • We are currently seeking volunteers and mentors at Ensley Elementary School.

    Volunteer information page

    Mentor Information Page

    If you would lilke to volunteer or mentor at Ensley Elementary, please email Mrs.Crisher or call (850) 494-5600 for more information. 


    In accordance with Florida State Statute, the Escambia County School Districts has made its School Financial Reports available to the public. You may visit the school to see a hard copy.

Title I

Family Literacy Night 2023

Family Math Night 2022