MONTH OF THE MILITARY CHILD HAPPENINGS AT TATE: Each year we celebrate our students who are in active duty or reserves military families with special events during the month of April. See the attachment for activities.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROM: The Tate Aggie Prom will be held on Saturday, April 26 at the Hadji Temple from 7:00 p.m - 10:30 p.m. See the attachment for more information.
CONGRATULATIONS to Tates Showband Of The South earning a Straight Superior Rating for their 52nd consecutive year in a row this past weekend! Please take a moment today to congratulate any band students you may have in your class. They have worked very hard for this rating over the past 5 months!
To create a safe and supportive environment where each student can achieve high levels of learning and become a productive citizen.
Please note: Per the Department of Education and Escambia County School District, Student speeches do not reflect the endorsement, sponsorship, position, or expression of Escambia County School District.