Escambia Virtual Academy

Dedicated To Excellence

  • Why choose Escambia Virtual Academy?

    • Highly qualified, local, Escambia Virtual Academy teachers
    • Rigorous curriculum with a successful track record
    • Registration exclusive to students residing in Escambia County
    • No waiting list
    • An accredited public school diploma issued by EVA through the Escambia County School District for students meeting criteria upon completion of the 12th grade
    • Seamless transition to and from traditional brick and mortar schools
    • Graduation plans to meet individual student needs
    • Opportunities to receive Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

    What does it cost?
    There is no cost to district public school students residing in Escambia County, Florida.

    Is it part-time or full-time?
    Students in grades K-12 can take one or more virtual courses through our franchise. This program is open to district public school students.  Full-time students must take 6 courses per semester if pursuing a high school diploma.



    Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA) meets the demands of today's digital learners through individualized instruction that moves beyond the four walls of the classroom and a clock.

  • Full-Time Open Enrollment Window 

    EVA Full-Time Enrollment for the Spring Semester has closed. Enrollment for next school year opens in August. Eligibility is determined by Franchise academic requirements.

    Click the Full-Time Registration tab for more information.