
    Escambia Virtual Academy Policies 

    • Internet access is required for all EVA students, but access must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.


    • Students are evaluated for re-enrollment on a semester basis. All students are expected to complete ALL 6 of the course enrollments each semester. Failure to complete all of your course enrollments or attend a required State Testing session could jeopardize your eligibility for re-enrollment the next semester.


    • Escambia Virtual Academy cannot "accelerate" students. The maximum number of credits an EVA student can take each school year is SIX.


    • Students are required to maintain a minimum pace in their courses EACH week. Completion of at least 6% of the coursework each week is expected. Teachers will monitor students on a weekly progress model. Students who are not making adequate progress may be withdrawn from that course.


    • It is against FLVS policy for a student to skip lessons/assignments to advance through the course. Students are required to work in sequential order in their course lessons. Quizzes taken out of sequence may be reset by the teacher.


    • EVA is a semester-based program. A half-credit is awarded at the end of the semester if the student has successfully completed the course by the semester deadline and achieved a passing grade. No credit can be awarded per quarter.


    • EVA students who do not complete their course enrollment by the semester deadline will be withdrawn from that course, resulting in zero credit(s) earned.


    • Students are REQUIRED to participate in Discussion Based Assessments (DBAs) with their teachers. Failure to participate will result in the student receiving no credit for the course. Each teacher regularly conducts discussion based assessments with his or her students. These conversations occur at specific intervals scheduled by the student and are included in the assessment component of each course.  The teacher discusses individual student work and extends the conversation to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of the content and to verify the authenticity of the student’s work. These conversations must be audible; they cannot take place via text message or email.


    • Students are expected to return communication and outreach from their Academic Advisor and/or Teacher within 48 hours. Failure to return communication may result in their withdrawal from the associated course.


    • Students are expected to maintain a current phone contact accessible to their current teachers and Academic Advisors. If your phone contact or email contact changes, please make your Teachers & Academic Advisor aware and also update the information in your FLVS account.


    • Students are expected to maintain a current address in FOCUS. If you relocate, please contact your Academic Advisor. Students must reside in Escambia County, FL for eligibility.


    • Academic integrity (A.I.) is the cornerstone of learning at Escambia Virtual Academy (EVA). The Learning Management System is now integrated with Turnitin.com. This database compares students’ work against other students’ work, as well as work found on the Internet. Students are expected to submit their own original work for assignments. A.I. Violations consequences range from resubmission of an assignment up to expulsion from EVA coursework for up to one year. Additionally, final grades may be rescinded if you are found to have cheated or plagiarized after the grade has been posted to your transcript.


    • The student has the option of participating in before or after-school activities, including athletics, at their zoned school.


    • High School Graduation Requirements in order to receive a Diploma in the State of Florida. Please access the link below and review the graduation requirements. *State Testing is a requirement for graduation, therefore all EVA students are expected to participate when scheduled.


    • On-campus new student orientation will be held during the month of open enrollment. ALL new students are required to attend the next scheduled orientation following their registration appointment. 
  • Instructions for Application:
    Partial Wavier of the Florida Child Labor Law
    for students enrolled in the Escambia County School District

    Click HERE


    Escambia Virtual Academy 


  • Mental Health 360

    Instructions for Student Access


