- Tate High School
- Military & Family Life Counseling
About the Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program
Tate High School is pleased to offer non-medical counseling to our military-connected students. MFLCs support military families through the unique challenges of military life, including cycles of deployment and reintegration, by providing non-medical, short-term counseling. Through a partnership between the school district, the installation and the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy, counselors will be assigned to various schools during the school year.
What is the counselor’s role in the school?
MFLCs provide consultation, training, and educational presentations/workshops to program faculty, staff, parents, and children. MFLC support augments services already in place at each school. Counselors take part in everyday school activities and events. They are available to support in areas related to deployment and reintegration; family dynamics; positive coping mechanisms; staff support and education; parent education and stress reduction. Counselors are also available to facilitate groups and trainings to build leadership skills; manage anger; build self-esteem and confidence and strengthen communication.
How are counselors selected?
Counselors are selected for their demonstrated expertise and training and are under the management of the office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy. Counselors hold a master’s or doctoral degree, are independently licensed and have experience working with children and youth. Counselors go through rigorous background checks before being placed in schools.
Why are the counselors in certain schools and not others?
Schools were selected by the Service Branch to receive MFLCs based on the number of military connected students attending each school. Military families who have students in schools without counselors can typically receive the same support through the installation’s Morale, Welfare and Recreation Department, Fleet and Family Services or the A&FRC.
Do counselors keep records about students and families?
No. Services provided by counselors are private and confidential with the exception of mandatory federal and military reporting requirements (i.e., child abuse, domestic violence and other life-threatening situations). No counseling records are maintained.
The Tate High School Military and Family Life Counselor can be reached at (850) 377-0052.
Tate High Is Proud to Be a
Learn more about the Child and Youth Behavioral Military and Family Life Counseling Program
24-hour support is available to our Military families through Military One Source
MFLC parental consent forms can be downloaded and printed by students, parents, or referral sources, and must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Free tutoring for military affiliated students
Military Child Education Coalition
Scholarships for Military-Connected Students