• Reading Endorsement Page

Reading Endorsement Links

  • 40 Hour Reading Requirement FAQ's

    Click here for a FAQ document.

    Where can I find courses that meet the 40 hour reading requirement?

    BEESS Portal

    Most courses taken through the ELA Department under the course title: Understanding Foundational Reading Skills will build up over time.

    You can take the UF Literacy Micro-credential. Check with the certification office if you are also using that for Reading Endorsement.

Reading Endorsement Competencies (300 hours):

  • Competency 1: Foundations of Reading Instruction (60 hours)

    Competency 2: Application of Research-Based Instructional Practices/Content Area Reading (60 hours)

    Competency 3: Foundations of Assessment (60 hours)

    Competency 4: Differentiated Instruction (60 hours) facilitated by FDLRS

    Competency 5: Practicum (60 hours)

    Competency 1, 2, 3 and 5 are a blend of face-to-face meetings and online coursework through Canvas. 

    Competency 4 is an online PDA course offered through FDLRS. We will enter points in TalentEd once you finish the course.

Reading Endorsement FAQ's

  • 1.  Will the District provide for me to get my reading endorsement?  

    The ECPS  reading department will provide Competency 1, 2, 3 and 5 free of charge* to current employees of  The Escambia County School District (traditional or alternative school) who hold a current, valid Florida teaching certificate in any grades or subject areas. Teachers must have access to ECPS Google Suite and Canvas. Grades 6-12 teachers currently teaching reading courses and elementary teachers have priority for enrollment. Competency 4 is offered free of charge by FDLRS. 

    2. How much time will it take to complete each course? 

    Each competency is valued at 60 in-service points, which means that participation both face to face and online, independent study, and application in your own classroom will take a minimum of 60 hours. 

    3. Can I take more than one course at a time? 

    It may be possible to take more than one in a semester, but we will not register participants for more than one competency at a time.  The exception is Competency 5, which may overlap.

    4. Will coursework from other institutions be accepted for Reading Endorsement? 

    Update: The FLDOE Certification Office will accept college coursework that meet the criteria OR approved district add-on programs. If you have some college coursework--apply to certification and they will send you a letter of eligibility advising you of the remaining requirements (if any). Scan that letter and your college transcript to the ELA department and we will help you find the right course (if needed) to complete the endorsement. If you have taken reading endorsement courses through other Florida district state approved reading endorsement programs, supply us with your professional learning transcripts and we will verify and update your ECPS professional learning transcript.

    If you have completed Competencies 1-4 in previous years through another district, please provide us with the professional development transcripts from that district or the certificates from the entity where you completed the work. ECPS only accepts Flamingo Literacy Matrix and ECPS delivered courses as pathways for employees currently completing the endorsement.

    5.   What about teachers seeking alternative certification? 

    The ELA Department provides the Reading Endorsement courses free of charge to ECPS teachers. Please check with the Professional Learning Department regarding requirements that apply to you.

    6.  Can I work toward the endorsement and teach Tier 3 students? 

    Yes. If you take the Micro-credential course with the Flamingo Literacy Matrix, you can teach Tier 3 groups, under the supervision of a teacher who has the full endorsement. The reading endorsed teacher must be the teacher of record for the intensive reading course, however.

    Certified elementary teachers can teach the 90-minute ELA block and provide Tier 2 interventions, but the teacher of record for the intensive reading intervention provided to Tier 3 students must be reading endorsed. 

    7.  Will I need to contact the Reading Department to inform them I have completed my course? 

    If you complete the Flamingo Literacy Matrix, please provide your certificate that indicates mastery of the courses you took to the ELA department. We will enter it in the system for your professional learning transcript.

    If you complete a course provided by our department and you do not receive notification that you have completed the course from the ELA Admin. Clerk within a week of finishing, please notify the ELA department that you have completed the work. 

    8.  What if I need to register for practicum Course 5? 

    This course is only for those who have completed Competencies 1-4.  Once you have applied on the Google form to take Comp 5, we will verify  that you have successfully completed all four and will register you in the TalentEd system. 

    9.  What happens if I have to drop the course? 

    You are not “officially” in the course until you have made your first assignment submission. If you drop a course (or are dropped due to lack of attendance or late assignment submissions) you may not be given priority for enrollment the next time the course is offered. 

    10.  How do I get the Endorsement added to my certificate? 

    Keep copies of all of your certificates as back up. Contact Phyllis McDurmont, ELA Admin. Clerk, to be sure you have all courses in Performance Matters/TalentEd. 

    11. If I earn the Literacy Micro-credential--can I teach Tier 3 students? 

    Yes. Teachers or educational support personnel who earn the Micro-credential may do small groups with approved interventions as long as they work closely with a reading endorsed teacher to diagnose the reading difficulties, determine interventions, and monitor the data. If you earn the micro-credential through the Flamingo program, please notify the ELA department when you have satisfied all requirements.

    For more information, please contact Phyllis McDurmont, Administrative Clerk