• School Hours

    School begins promptly at 6:50 a.m. Car riders may be dropped off after 7:10 a.m. Students arriving after 7:10 should report to the office for a tardy slip. Parents are required to sign their children in when they are late for school. Dismissal begins at 1:00 p.m.  Car riders are also dismissed at 1:00 p.m. and we ask that all parents follow the school rules and pick up their child through the car rider line. Do not walk up and get your child to take to your car. This is for the safety of all students.

    Early Checkouts:
    No student should be checked out after 1:30 p.m. Early checkouts must be before 1:30 pm. If you need to check out your child early from school, you must come to the office and sign your child out. For all students' safety, adults must provide picture identification when checking out a student.  Early checkouts are discouraged unless there is an illness or a family emergency.



    Consistent attendance is one of the keys to academic success. Parents can help their children succeed by ensuring their attendance, except when illness or extreme family emergencies occur. When absence and tardiness are necessary, a written note of explanation from the parent is required. Excessive absences, unexcused absences, and tardiness will be reported to the School Social Worker for investigation.


    Dress Code

    Children's dress and personal grooming are primarily the responsibility of the child and parent. Children are expected to come to school with proper attention given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress. Children whose clothing or jewelry distract from the learning environment (advertising alcohol, tobacco, profane language), or might be hazardous (jewelry with sharp edges), may be sent home to change. Flip - flops, sandals, platform shoes, or high heels should not be worn to school, as they are not safe. Due to the safety of our children, children wearing shoes that are unsafe for physical education activities and recess may not be allowed to participate.

    The district emphasizes and Longleaf Elementary requests that children should wear athletic shoes during Physical Education classes and recess


    Change of Address or Phone Number

    Parents are requested to notify the office of any address or phone number change. It is extremely important that we have a telephone number where parents can be reached during the day in case of an emergency.


    Lost & Found

    Please label your child's supplies, lunchbox, coat, sweater, purse, etc.


    Food Services

    Longleaf Elementary has a full service kitchen and staff who prepare breakfast and lunch.

    Breakfast is served daily from 6:50 am - 7:10 am.

    Brakfast and Lunch are free for all Students.

    Extra milk $.50
    Adult Lunch: $3.25



    Parents of bus riders should be at the bus stop with their children in the mornings and meet their children at the bus stop in the afternoon. This is for the safety of all children. Students riding the bus must follow the safety rules. Parents can help by talking to their child daily about good bus behavior. The rules at the bus stop and on the bus are for the safety of all children. Failure to do so may result in suspension from the bus.

    School Bus Conduct
    Riding the bus is a privilege. Students can lose that privilege if they do not follow the procedures and rules.

    The procedures for riding the bus are:
    --Enter and exit bus slowly.
    --Go to your assigned seat and sit quietly.
    --Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
    --Unload from the front to the back of the bus.
    --No eating is allowed on the bus.

    Students are expected to be at the bus stop five (5) minutes before their pick up time.


    Car Riders
    Parents of car riders drop off and pick up students using the drive in the front of the school. Morning drop-off begins at 6:50 a.m. and afternoon pick-up begins at 1:25 p.m.  Please remain in your car and pull forward at the direction of the adults supervising drop-off and pick-up.


    After School Childcare Program

    Campfire/USA provides after school child care (1:45 PM - 6 PM), in the school cafeteria, for the convenience of parents. Child care is provided for students of Longleaf from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Activities include playground, homework studies, snack, arts and crafts, games, and toys. Daily rates, half day, and weekly rates are available.
    For further information parents may contact: Ms. Becky at 941-6121

    Student Medications

    All medication will be kept and administered in the clinic. Students must have written permission from their doctor to take medications at school.