• AR

    Our Library Media Center supports the Accelerated Reader (AR) reading program.  AR is a computer-based software program that provides students with reading practice and

    assesses their reading comprehension.  There are simple steps to using AR.

    • The student reads an AR book.
    • He/she takes an AR reading practice quiz.
    • The student receives immediate feedback with test results and the teacher receives information intended to assist, motivate, and monitor student progress. 

    Students who reach different levels in AR are rewarded with a number of incentives and a party at the end of the school year.


    Click on the link below and see your child's AR test results.  Their username is their six-digit I.D. number and their password is their birthday (mmddyy).



  • Media Specialist Jamie King

    Media Clerk Kristen Moshell 


  • The Escambia County Public Schools is in the process of moving each school’s classroom library from Beanstack Classroom Library to Destiny Classroom Library Manager.  During this migration, books made available to students in the classroom may appear on either or both sites. Once the full migration is complete, all classroom library book titles will be searchable in Destiny Classroom Library Manager.  We appreciate your patience as we work with our media specialists to get over 120,000 titles uploaded and into classroom libraries.