If your address or phone has changed, please contact the school at 850-453-7415 to update the information. It is imperative that your address is updated to ensure that your student is routed for a bus on the first day of school. Having a correct phone number on record will keep you in the loop as we move closer to the start of another school year.
Navy Point Elementary is currently registering kindergarten students who will be 5 on or before September 1, 2023. This includes any out of state students. Please click on the link to begin the registration process: Online Registration
When you come to the school to finalize the registration process please bring the following items for the child:
Child's birth certificate
Child's social security card
Proof of residence such as an electric bill, lease agreement or rent receipt (telephone and cable bills are NOT acceptable)
Immunization Record (also known as the Florida Blue Card, which is provided by the Health Department or family physician)
Our top priority at Navy Point Elementary is safety. In order to help ensure the safety of our campus we ask that all visitors come prepared to check in using a state issued ID card or driver's license. Your first stop will always be our front office during school hours. Once you are cleared, you will be given a badge that should be worn during your time on campus. Please remember to sign out with the front office prior to leaving campus.
Thank you for your support to keep our campus safe:-)