Level Up Summer Reading

  • Escambia County Public Schools is excited to begin its first district-wide K-12 Summer Reading Program, “Level Up with Summer Reading!”.  The Escambia County Public Schools  is committed to providing 2 to 4 books to each K-12 student to read during the summer, an additional distribution of books to summer school students, and also providing summer reading events hosted by the schools.  Reading will be promoted and monitored through the Beanstack digital platform.  Students will earn badges and rewards based on their logged minutes of summer reading. 

    Summer reading gains have been demonstrated in multiple studies on free summer books and promotional programs.  The typical summer book program eliminated three months of reading achievement loss.  The typical summer reading growth in these studies was three months of reading gain.  Therefore, the total impact of free summer books programs was 6 months of reading gain when compared with the reading achievement of the control group (no books) children.  (Summer Reading: Closing the Rich/Poor Reading Achievement Gap, edited by Richard Allington and Anne McGill-Franzen).


    Level Up with Summer Reading Overview Slide Show

    Click here for Summer Reading Resources