• Dismissal Procedures

    Dismissal begins at 1:20 p.m. for walkers, car riders, and daycare bus students. Buses officially pull away from the school at 1:30 p.m. It is the policy of the principal that students are not removed from the buses after they have been loaded.

    Early Release Days

    Half day early release days occur two times a year. Dismissal begins at 11:30 am for walkers and car riders. The buses are expected to pull away at 11:35 am.  There will be no check outs after 11:10 on early release days.

    Early Check Outs

    All students are checked out through the front office. Only persons whose name appear on the registration card may check out a student and proper picture identification must be presented or you will not be allowed to check your child out.  No checkouts are allowed after 12:55 pm in order to prepare for dismissal.

    Please.... always check into the office and do not go to the classroom to check your child out. This not only disrupts the class, but the teachers are instructed not to dismiss students from the classrooms.

    This procedure has been set up for your child's safety and not in anyway is it to cause you distress. So always bring in identification with you to check your child out. This also applies if you send someone to pick up your child. If they are not on the card, they will not be allowed to take your child from school. 

    All doors are locked during the school day, so please enter the building through the front of the school where the flag pole is located.
