- Hellen Caro Elementary School
- School Library
Hellen Caro Library
Beanstack Classroom Library Connector
The Escambia County Public Schools is in the process of moving each school’s classroom library from Beanstack Classroom Library to Destiny Classroom Library Manager. During this migration, books made available to students in the classroom may appear on either or both sites. Once the full migration is complete, all classroom library book titles will be searchable in Destiny Classroom Library Manager.
We appreciate your patience as we work with our media specialists to get over 120,000 titles uploaded and into classroom libraries.
It is the mission of the Hellen Caro library media program to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.
Our three tenets are:
- intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats.
- instruction which stimulates interest in reading and develops competence in accessing, evaluating, and managing information and ideas.
- integration of the library media program into the curriculum through the cooperative efforts of the library media specialist and classroom teachers.
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