Aerospace Engineering (Project Lead the Way): The Aerospace Program curriculum is a rigorous four-year sequence of courses. This program exposes students to the world of aeronautics, flight, and engineering.
Students working in teams are engaged in engineering design problems related to aerospace information systems, astronautics, rocketry, propulsion, the physics of space science, space life sciences, principles of aeronautics, and systems engineering.
By engaging in hands-on, real-world projects, students understand how the skills they are learning in the classroom can be applied in everyday life.
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a hands-on, project and problem-based approach that adds rigor to traditional technical programs and relevance to traditional academics. By engaging in hands-on, real-world projects, students understand how the skills they are learning in the classroom can be applied in everyday life.
Meet national standards for mathematics, science, technology education and English language arts.
Offer a complete career/technical concentration with an emphasis on both mathematics and science.
Students focus on one project over an extended period of time while working cooperatively and effectively as a class or in a small group.
Integrate mathematics, science, technology, and English language arts skills to solve complex problems.
Our formula for success is simple. Build strategic partnerships with middle schools, high schools, colleges, universities, business, and industry to provide students with the rigorous, relevant, reality-based knowledge necessary to pursue engineering or engineering technology programs after graduation.