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Forms for requesting Courtesy Transportation Accommodations for the 2024-2025 school year are now live. Please note that there are 2 different forms—one for magnet school students (NB Cook, Brown Barge, West Florida High, and Pensacola High I.B. students), and one for students of all other schools. This notification is being sent to all District employees, as a courtesy, to ensure you are able to submit your requests as early as possible.Accommodation requests are required to secure a seat on any magnet school bus, or to request bus transportation for any student who wishes to travel between anyplace other than their primary FOCUS address and their residentially-zoned school.Accommodations are granted on a space-available basis, and are processed in the order the requests are received. Anyone requesting any sort of accommodation should also pre-plan an alternate method of transportation for the student, to be used in the event that your request cannot be granted or, in the case of magnet schools, is placed on a waitlist after the initial round of bus assignments has filled the available seats.Please be sure to input your email address correctly on your request, as this will be where you will receive notifications regarding accommodations. We begin processing accommodation requests in July, so please do not be concerned if you don't receive any immediate communications about your request. As requests (and all other bus assignments) begin to be processed over the summer, your student's bus assignment will be available in the FOCUS parent portal (instructions for locating FOCUS transportation info can be found HERE). Any requests received after July 1, 2024 will not be evaluated or processed until at least the 3rd week of the 24-25 school year.Questions regarding the accommodations process should be EMAILED to the appropriate Route Manager for the school your child will be attending. A directory of contacts for our department can be found here: Transportation DirectoryLinks to both Courtesy Transportation Accommodation Request forms can be accessed on the Transportation Department's Accommodations Page.
If you have questions about transportation, please reach out to the BBMS Route Manager, Mr. Kenny Pearson at kpearson@ecsdfl.us or by calling 850-429-2949.