• R. C. Lipscomb Elementary

    School-Family Compact 2024-2025

    School-Family Compact Submit Your Feedback

    School Mission: The mission of R.C. Lipscomb Elementary is to encourage students to make the most of their potential to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners, and to produce self-reliant, productive citizens. 

    The School Family Compact is an agreement and commitment between the family and the school to help ensure the success of  the student.  The parties to this compact acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement.  Each of us has an important role in promoting learning.  Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following:


    School Agreement: The entire school staff will share the responsibility for improved student achievement, therefore we will do the following: 

    • Hold parent/teacher conferences

    • Send frequent reports to parents on their child's progress

    • Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in school and classroom activities 

    • Provide an environment conducive to learning

    • Respect the student, their parents, and the diverse culture of the school

    Family Agreement: I want my child to reach his/her full academic potential, therefore I will do the following to support my child's learning 

    • Have on-going communication with my child's school; including parent-teacher conferences and volunteering in the classroom

    • See that my child attends school regularly and is punctual 

    • Support the school staff and respect cultural differences of others

    • Establish a time and place for homework and check it regularly  

    • Monitor internet and screen time

    • Help to make positive use of extra curricular time  

    Student Agreement:  As a student, I will share the responsibility to improve my academic achievement and I will:

    • Do my homework every day and ask for help when needed.

    • Read at least 20 minutes every day outside the school day.

    • Handle all school devices with care and use the internet responsibly, always with adult supervision.

    • Give my parents/guardian all notices and information from the school.

    • Follow our schoolwide plan for Leadership:  Be RespectfuL, Be ResponsiblE, Be SAfe, Be KinD.