- Escambia County Public Schools
- School-Family Compacts
- Alternative Schools School-Family Compacts
- Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy School-Family Compact
Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy
School-Family Compact 2024-2025
The administration and staff of Jacqueline Harris believe that it is the duty of the school, with the support and cooperation of the home and community, to develop the academic, social, emotional and physical capabilities of each student enabling him/her to reach their full potential and become independent thinkers, lifelong learners and productive citizens within the community. The parties to this compact acknowledge that we share the responsibility for improved student achievement. Each of us has an important role in promoting learning. Being mindful of our responsibilities, we pledge the following:
Provide a safe and supportive learning environment
Respect students and parents and keep parents informed
Enforce school, bus and classroom rules fairly
Encourage positive communication between teacher, parents and students
Provide remediation, intensive intervention/enrichment, effective and appropriate instruction
along with a high quality curriculum
Abide by the highest standards of our profession
Will ensure that my child attends school daily, is on time, and dressed appropriately
Communicate with my child's teacher on a regular basis, check the book bag, and sign/retum necessary papers as requested
Support the school in developing positive behaviors by encouraging my child to follow all school rules while on the bus, during class, in special areas and on field trips
Will help maintain a good learning environment in our home that values education and encourages my child with positive feedback as often as possible
Stay involved by attending school functions, Parent/Teacher Conferences and volunteering when possible
Attend school regularly and on time
Do my best to be successful by completing homework and assignments daily
Ask for help when needed
Show respect for myself, my school, and others
Work cooperatively with my classmates, teachers, and others
Obey school, classroom, lunchroom, and bus rules