• Pre-Kindergarten Disabilities and Adaptive P.E.

  • The Program for Pre-kindergarten Disabilities provides developmentally appropriate educational services to those students who are between 3 and 5 years of age and are eligible for a special program. Settings include self-contained classrooms, varying exceptionality models and inclusion models in various schools. Referrals for evaluation may be made through Child Find of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS at 850-469-5426).

    A child who is Developmentally Delayed is three (3) through nine (9) years of age and is delayed in one (1) or more of the following areas: a) Adaptive or self-help development, b) Cognitive development, c) Communication development, d) Social or emotional development, e) Physical development including fine, or gross, or perceptual motor.

    Mission statement

    The mission of the Pre-Kindergarten program is to support  3-5 year old students with developmental delays by providing specialized instruction and inclusive opportunities for each student to achieve pre-academic, social/emotional, motor, and communication skills needed for kindergarten.  Each student is welcomed, valued, given access to rigorous teaching and appropriately supported to access the general education curriculum.

    Adaptive P.E.

    Adapted PE (APE) serves students who have gross motor developmental delays and/or social/emotional deficits that require an adapted or modified physical education program. APE is available in district schools for students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12.

  • Angela Carden, M.Ed., Program Specialist, Pre-K Disabilities, Adaptive P.E.


    J.E. Hall Center

    40 East Texar Drive

    Pensacola, FL 32504



    Phone: (850) 469-5561

    Fax: (850) 429-2968