• Emergency Medical Technician

    Emergency Medical Technician (W170212)

  • This program prepares students for entry-level positions as Emergency Medical Technicians.  Students learn the knowledge and skills needed to become certified as an Emergency Medical Technician.  The program follows the State of Florida Emergency Medical Technician Curriculum which offers comprehensive training that prepares a candidate to take the National Registry Emergency Medical Technician Certification exam established by the Florida Bureau of EMS.

    Some of the topics covered include bleeding and shock, airway management, traumatic injuries, fractures, diabetes, alcohol and drug abuse, emergency childbirth, transportation of the sick and injured, Personal Protective Equipment, and a lot more.

    The program is very demanding – both academically and physically. Students need to bring their “A” game as we take on the challenges facing every EMT, every day.



    PARAMEDIC – 1100 Clock Hours


    Entrance into either program requires passing a PHYSICAL EXAMINATION.  Additionally, you must pass a background check and complete the requirements of the Castlebranch program which ensures you are physically able and properly immunized to perform the tasks as set forth in the program.  


    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician’s Examination or National Registry of EMTs Paramedic Examination, depending upon which course you are enrolled.  The practical will be completed as part of the course. The written will be scheduled by the student upon notification of a successful practical examination.  Successful passing of these examinations will certify the student as an EMT or Paramedic with the National Registry. Completion of this credential will make the student eligible for licensure in the State of Florida.

    Program Dates

    Combined Firefighter/EMT

    • August 26, 2024 - March 27, 2025

    Combined EMT/Firefighter

    • October 15, 2024 - May 12, 2025


    • Begins August 19, 2024

    Program Times

    Program Times Frequency
    EMT: Full Time - Day (Fall)
    8:00AM - 1:30PM

    MTWRF - 10 Weeks

    EMT: Full Time - Evening (Spring)
    4:00PM - 9:00PM
    Saturday class times will vary.  


    Paramedic: Full Time - Day
    8:00AM - 5:00PM

    MT, RF - 12 months

    Program Costs

    Estimated  for Florida Residents

    Tuition: $900

    Kit/Book Fee: $350

    Uniform & Misc. Fees: $665

    Total: $1915

    Basic Skills Requirement

    Reading ≥ 597

    Math ≥ 627

    Language ≥ 608

    Industry Salaries (EMT - 2019)

    Location Pay Period Low Median High
    United States

    Instructor Contact Information

    Bill Hopkins

    Phone: 850 786 6566 

    Email: whopkins1@ecsdfl.us

    Location: EMS AND FIRE PROGRAMS, Building 3, Room 339


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