Labor Relations & Employee Services

Important Links for Employees

2024-2025 Bargaining Meetings & Proposals

  • Wednesday, 12/18/24 

    • District Passed: Salary Proposal #3 for both employee groups (ESP & EEA) and MOU for EEA 
    • No ESP Articles passed at this meeting

    Wednesday, 12/11/24 

    Wednesday, 12/04/24 

    Wednesday, 11/20/24 

    Wednesday, 11/6/24 

    Wednesday, 10/23/24 

    • ESP Articles in Agreement and TA'd (Tentatively Agreed) - Article IIIArticle X 
    • Agreed on the reminders needed regarding employee voting procedures General Election Day on Tuesday, November 5. 

    Wednesday, 10/16/24 

    • Further discussion and confirmation of the second round of Insurance ratification to begin.
    • ESP Union passed proposed changes to Articles III, X, and XI. (click to view

    Wednesday, 10/9/24 

    • ESP Union agreed to MOU and agreed to conduct a second round of ratification as soon as possible. 
    • Collaboration began with reviewing the ESP Master Contract
    • Union passed proposed changes to Articles II, III, VI, VII, XII (click to view
    • Articles in Agreement and TA'd (Tentatively agreed) Article IArticle VIIIArticle XV

    Wednesday, 10/2/24 

    • ESP Insurance Bargaining due to failed ratification
    • District provided Memorandum of Understanding to ESP Union for consideration.

    Wednesday, 9/18/24 

    • ESP Insurance Bargaining due to failed ratification
    • District & ESP Union collaborated to determine the next steps that would be necessary to find a successful ratification. 

    Friday, 9/13/24 

    • 2025 Insurance Ratification for Teachers and Ed. Support bargaining units
    • Teacher's Unit passed; ESP Unit failed. 

    Tuesday, 8/13/24 

    • Review of the Employee Benefits Committee Meeting Recommendation and the Superintendent's Recommendation for insurance premiums effective January 1, 2025. 
    • The agreed premium schedule (cost breakdown) must be ratified by both the Ed. Support and Teachers' bargaining units. 

Re-Certification Notices & Updates

    • Per Florida SB 256, an employee organization that has less than 60 percent of the employees eligible for representation must petition for re-certification with the Public Employees Relations Commission. (PERC)
    • If permitted by PERC, a recertification election will be held to determine whether the employee group desires to continue to be represented by the employee organizations for the purpose of collective bargaining.
    • All employees in the bargaining unit  may participate in the recertification election regardless of union membership. The majority of the ballots cast in the election will determine the outcome of the election. 


    Escambia Educators Association (EEA) Recertification: 

    • On June 13, 2024, PERC determined enough ballots were cast to show sufficient favor for the Escambia Educators Association (EEA) to remain the employee organization to represent all persons in the Escambia County Instructional bargaining unit.


    Union of Escambia Education Staff Professionals (UESP) Recertification: 

    • On May 30, 2024, PERC determined there was reasonable cause to believe the petition for a recertification election is sufficient. 
    • October, 2024: both parties received notification from PERC that a recertification election will occur for ESP employees. 
    • 11/12/24: PERC has reached out to both the Union of Escambia ESP and the District that election and ballot dates were still pending. 



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  • The Office of Employee and Labor Relations within the Department of Human Resources:

    • leads the School District’s collaborative bargaining efforts on behalf of the School Board with the instructional and professional support staff employee unions;
    • cultivates the School District’s partnerships with local, state, and federal governments for legislative efforts;
    • facilitates the School District’s policy-making efforts; and
    • assists with the School Board Rules development process.

Contact Information:

  • Caroline Gray
    Chief Negotiator
    Employee Services Coordinator
    Office: 850-469-6256